Nike / risk everything / great new commercial 2014
April 26, 2014
In this game of winner stays, every touch of the ball proves that football will always belong to those who Risk Everything, even when it matters the most. Featuring: Cristiano Ronaldo, ...

The Cell Phone Nullifier
April 18, 2014
The perhaps unhealthy and definitely antisocial attachment we have to our mobile phones is a symptom of modern times. While for some, multitasking during conversation is not a contentious issue, for others ...

Europe it’s just next door
April 17, 2014
A year after the success of the "Take a look at Brussels" campaign, SNCF repeats the event by launching a new campaign, "SNCF Europe". What if it only took the opening of a door to be sent, in a second, from ...

Samsung GALAXY S4 – Stare Down im Zürich
April 17, 2014
A great marketing idea from Samsung, in Zurich. The Samsung Galaxy S4 knows when you look at it. Keep your eyes on the phone for to win ...

A Hideous-Beautiful Electric Motorcycle Inspired by Drug Use
April 16, 2014
We've seen a lot of strange motorcycles over the years, but the Johammer J1 is by far the strangest yet. This Austrian electric wonder has styling inspired by a cuttlefish, or maybe Cookie ...

12 Unusual Light Bulb Designs that would definitely raise some eyebrows of your guests.
April 15, 2014
12 Unusual Light Bulb Designs When you hear “light bulb”, what do you see? I bet you see the same iconic light bulb shape, which is probably better known than the famous Coca-Cola bottle silhouette. It’s a nice ...